Email Security Threats, Alerts, News and Trends

Suspicious Emails Alert! The threat landscape is always changing which is why we keep our eye on new products that can simplify email security, and streamline the way you and your team work. SMX will keep you up-to-date on suspicious email security threats, alerts, news and trends on this page, so that you know what to look out for.

Please be vigilant in protecting your computer, do not click on any link or download any attachment from someone you don't know. If you receive any suspicious emails, please report these to us.

Below are some Government sites that you may wish to visit that will give you more information on current cyber security trends:  


Outlook zero day exploit

Last updated 13/06/2024  10:05 am

A critical zero-click remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability has been discovered in Microsoft Outlook.

This vulnerability, designated as CVE-2024-30103, enables attackers to run arbitrary code by sending a specially designed email. When the recipient opens the email, the exploit is triggered.

The vulnerability, CVE-2024-30103, is particularly alarming due to its zero-click nature. Unlike traditional phishing attacks that require user interaction, this flaw can be exploited without any action from the user.

Opening the malicious email alone is enough to compromise the system, making it a powerful weapon for cybercriminals and greatly reducing the barriers to successful exploitation.

We encourage all IT teams to patch their Microsoft Outlook software as soon as possible. 

Please see for the details on the patch.

For more information on this please see: