
We are ISO 27001 Certified


We’re proud to announce that SMX Limited is ISO 27001 certified.

SMX Limited ISMS is established to ensure that core and supporting business operations support the core mission of SMX as a leader in cloud email security and to provide value to shareholders.

In order to achieve this certification, SMX's compliance was validated by independent auditor, BSI, after demonstrating our ongoing commitment to managing and protecting company and client data.

Being a leader in cloud email security, we take client data very seriously. We set the goal of continuously improving our security standards and will be audited regularly to maintain this high standard. 

While this is big news, our Security team is just getting started and this is just the beginning of a long journey for us to continue to enhance our ISMS capability.

Contact us for more information!


*Photo from left to right: Ian McDonald - CEO, Richard Gray - Operations Manager, Ehab Abdelmawla - Quality and Security Manager, Colin Taylor - CTO, Colin Print - CFO