Here’s what some of our clients have to say about working with SMX. Just take a read, or search for businesses working in a similar industry to you.

A beloved Kiwi brand

Stopping 3.2m phishing emails from damaging a beloved Kiwi brand.

One of APAC’s largest real estate companies

“SMX does the bulk of the grunt work. It filters 90-95% of the noise with Microsoft catching the remainder. With the dual filtering [SMX 365] we saw an uplift in catch rates of 15,000 additional catches per week and on our volume that’s huge.”
Infrastructure Manager


"Harcourts is delighted with the SMX service. The transition to SMX was seamless. We were up and running in about half an hour and users were unaware of the change. The support staff have been fantastic and my whole experience with SMX has been extremely positive."
Jason Wills, CIO, Harcourts International Limited

New Zealand Automobile Association

"We’ve gone from receiving over 100,000 spam messages per hour down to zero."
Doug Wilson, CIO, New Zealand Automobile Association